

11+ Years
2001 Making Business Since
What We Offer

We know what works

SQI ICT Consultants is an innovative technology industry-focused, business-driven professional services firm.

From the development of Custom Applications, Web Design & Development, UI/UX Design, and Digital Marketing, our talented minds work intelligently to solve and manage client´s needs. We serve to deliver cost effective interactive technology and design solutions without compromising on quality.

With clients globally, SQI ICT Consultants produces innovative, high-performance Websites for companies in multiple industries including hospitality, retail, wholesale, and communications and so on. 

Project delivered on time
Business Strategy
Business Setup
Easy Documentation
Let’s Come Up With a Start Free Trial 30-Day Money Back Guarantee For New Purchases.

Products Successfully Launced in the previous 12 months

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Why Choose Us

We Build Our Team And Our Product On Core Values

Using the latest programming and design technologies, We create the optimal, effective online as well as desktop experience for every client. We can work within your existing corporate ID or create one for you to establish a sense of branding for your needs.

With more than 11 years of solutions, training, and networking experience.  We continue to meet the diverse needs of small businesses, governmental, educational, professional service organizations, etc.

Simplify Working

We take pride in our on-time delivery and ability to meet quick turnaround requests while exceeding customer quality demands

Understanding Needs

To provide a satisfactory solution, we first analyze the requirement description. If we discover some missing points, our concerned professional in the field will have a discussion with the client and provide a better option.

Think Global

To make Africa a source of creative technological ideas, exporting technology (both intellectual and material) from Africa to other parts of the World.

Be Rigorous

Our teams of designers, developers,
copywriters, marketers, and advertising
experts come to work each day to help you reach your goal.
Changing Things With

They Are Partners Inspire Us To Drive Ongoing Results

Over 0 + Clients all over the world

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Contact Us

SQI College of ICT, Old Ilorin road, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria

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